Land Use Planning
The TLC Land Use Planning team seeks to ensure schools are a component of complete communities in Toronto and provide effective stewardship of TDSB assets for healthy, safe and modern learning environments through the planning process.
Development Review
TLC, on behalf of TDSB, is a commenting agency for development applications in the City of Toronto. Development applications can be found on the City of Toronto’s Application Information Centre.
TLC and TDSB involvement in the City’s development applications planning process is outlined below:
The TLC Land Use Planning team reviews development applications to protect the interests of the TDSB and its students through consideration of:
A. Land use impacts on TDSB properties and the health and safety of the school community (construction hazards, traffic impacts, shadow on school playgrounds, etc). TLC may request, as a condition of approval, that there is a requirement for an applicant to prepare a construction management plan to the satisfaction of the TDSB.
B. Pupil accommodation – the ability to accommodate students from proposed development at local schools. TLC provides information to applicants regarding student accommodation, for inclusion within their Community Services and Facilities Studies, upon request. TLC may request, as a condition of approval, that there is a requirement to place a TDSB sign on-site, advising on the status of local school accommodation.
If TLC’s concerns are not addressed through the municipal planning process, TLC may get involved at the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).
Planning Policy Reviews
City of Toronto planning policy documents (which include Secondary Plans, Official Plan Amendments, Site and Area Specific Policies, Community Services and Facility Strategies, and Urban Design Guidelines) regulate, inform and guide how the city grows and intensifies. TLC advocates for policies that reflect the importance of complete communities, where schools are considered integral and essential components of a healthy neighbourhood. Learn more about TLC’s interest in major City planning initiatives.
New School Planning
Where TDSB has identified a student accommodation need, TLC works with City staff, developers, land owners and other partners to secure opportunities for new school facilities in emerging neighbourhoods or areas of significant residential growth. In denser urban areas there is a requirement for innovative approaches to delivering new school spaces. “Urban Format” schools may provide new learning spaces as part of mixed-use developments, typically within the podium of residential towers, and with access to outdoor play space.