Using TDSB Space
The TLC leasing portfolio consists of more than 700 leases that generate annually more than $20M in gross revenues.
Child Care
TLC is the facilitator arranging leases for over 600 child care programs at TDSB operating schools. As the TDSB’s agent on real estate matters, TLC provides expert advice related to programs hosting over 23,000 children. For more information about leasing child care space, contact us.
Leased Properties
TLC manages the leases for over 30 non-operating schools and vacant lands held in the TDSB portfolio for future school use. These all provide additional educational and community service to their neighbourhoods while generating revenue on temporarily unused locations that have strategic value.
Currently there are no TDSB properties available for sale or lease on the open market.
Community Partnerships
TLC works with communities under the Community Planning & Partnerships (CPP) program to add programs to active schools to enhance community and student benefit. TLC also advances partnerships with public sector partners such as the City of Toronto to provide shared-use of school facilities (gyms, pools and classrooms to deliver community programming and opportunities for students. Learn more about the TDSB’s CPP program.
Permits for TDSB Facilities
TDSB facilities are a vibrant part of communities that welcome hundreds of organizations and agencies into classrooms, gyms, sports fields, and pools. The TDSB permits the use of it’s facilities directly. For more information, visit the TDSB’s permits site.