The 15-hectare East Harbour lands are located immediately east of Toronto’s Downtown, situated east of the Don River, north of Lake Shore Boulevard and south of an existing Metrolinx rail corridor. In 2018 the City approved the Unilever Precinct Secondary Plan and associated Zoning By-law Amendment to establish a new employment area at East Harbour. In April 2021, the Province announced a Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) partnership with Cadillac Fairview, the owners of the East Harbour site, to design and construct the East Harbour Transit Hub, contingent on changes to the City’s approved planning framework to permit the addition of 3.25 million square feet of residential development to existing development permissions. To meet timelines for the transit projects and achieve zoning certainty, the Province is expected to enact a Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) to put in place the necessary zoning.
In order to inform any forthcoming MZO, the City had engaged with Infrastructure Ontario, Cadillac Fairview, and local stakeholders – including the TDSB and TLC. TLC has worked with City staff to provide insight into the potential impact of any future residential development within East Harbour on both local student accommodation and the wider Toronto central waterfront student accommodation picture. In addition, TLC discussed the need to ensure that schools are a permitted use within any future East Harbour policy framework and the City has included this in their recommendations. TLC has also met with Cadillac Fairview to discuss what a potential TDSB elementary school within the East Harbour TOC would require in both interior educational spaces as well as outdoor recreational and education spaces. TLC continues to monitor the progress of discussions between the City, the Province, and Cadillac Fairview and will continue to provide input around TDSB’s interests and requirements, as required. · Infrastructure Ontario Project Details: https://www.infrastructureontario.ca/East-Harbour-Transit-Oriented-Community/ · Development Application Details: http://app.toronto.ca/AIC/index.do?folderRsn=uLrWF1XlP1%2Fj7%2Bs%2FO8a1Qg%3D%3D |