Portion of the Maplewood High School Site, 120 Galloway Road
Toronto District School Board at its meeting on February 1, 2023 adopted a resolution pursuant to Section 194(3) of the Education Act declaring that the above-noted property is not required for the purposes of TDSB. The Board decided: a) That the Toronto Lands Corporation be authorized to establish new property lines for the Maplewood High School site, to create two parcels and that the small parcel created through the north edge of the parking lot, be declared surplus to the needs of the Toronto District School Board and referred to the Toronto Lands Corporation for sale.
If none of the public agencies defined by Ontario Regulation 444/98 purchase the small parcel on the north edge of the parking lot through the regulation’s circulation process, then the Toronto Lands Corporation offer the parcel for sale at fair market value to Gabriel Dumont Non-Profit Homes for the purposes of enabling the provision of Indigenous focused housing, and that if the parcel of land is not sold to Gabriel Dumont Non-Profit Homes at fair market value, then the parcel be returned to the Toronto District School Board.