In 2018, a zoning by-law amendment application was submitted for a mixed-use development, located on the south and west sides of Alpha Alternative Junior School / Oasis Alternative Secondary School (20 Brant Street).

The portion of the site abutting the school had previously received approval from the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) in 2009 to allow for an 8-/9-storey (36.8m) office building built up to the mutual property line.

TLC identified concerns with the 2018 development proposal related to setbacks, safety/overlook of balconies and amenity areas, vehicular site access and circulation, shadow impacts, interface between the development and school site, local school accommodation, and demolition/construction. The concerns were outlined in TLC’s October 2019 letter to the City (available in the Downloads section of this website).

TLC met with the developer on several occasions to discuss these concerns, and a revised proposal was submitted to the City. Although the proposal was taller than the 2009 OMB approvals, a number of improvements were achieved:

  • Base of building closest to school site will be set back from shared property line
  • Additional stepbacks on 2nd to 15th floors will reduce massing and create less shadow impact on outdoor playspace and school building than 2009 OMB approval
  • Improved interface with school site, with a green wall along façade of ground floor

In December 2019, City Council approved the developer’s zoning by-law amendment application, and directed City staff to prepare a zoning by-law amendment with a section 37 agreement that includes a financial contribution towards the revitalization of the school’s playground, and a clause requiring TLC’s satisfaction on the construction management plan. TLC is also part of a site plan working group to consider mitigation of safety/overlook impacts, building articulation/materials, and traffic concerns.

The zoning by-law amendment was passed by Council in February 2020, and subsequently appealed to the former Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) by a third party, a neighbouring Condominium Corporation to the west. The by-law contained technical errors, allowing for the balconies to project onto the mutual property line with the school. TLC obtained party status at the November 2020 LPAT case management conference and successfully reached an agreement with the applicant to resolve this issue. The OLT made a decision to approve the zoning by-law amendment in December 2021.

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540-544 King St W, 1-17 Morrison St Downtown


Toronto Lands Corporation
