The City launched the ‘Update Downsview’ Study in 2021. The Study includes the preparation of various deliverables, including an updated Downsview Area Secondary Plan, which will set out the long-term vision for a new complete community, including necessary community services and facilities, that will meet the needs of existing and future residents. The Study is being coordinated with the Official Plan Amendment application made by Canada Lands Company and Northcrest Developments on the existing Downsview airport lands.
The Downsview area could accommodate up to 110,000 new residents and will be developed in multiple phases and districts over approximately 30 years. TLC/TDSB are members of the City’s Community Services and Facilities Working Group and are also working closely with the developer team to plan for the delivery of new school space. As part of our work TLC are also providing input into the Secondary Plan update to ensure that policies have proper regard to the importance of schools as an essential component of complete communities.